Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Why I am Pro-life

Life is sacred because we are created in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27). God means for life to be a gift in whatever form it comes, whether that is an unborn baby, a special needs child, or an aged man or woman at the end of their life. No person has the authority to decree that any person is of less value than another. Thankfully, we are seeing laws enacted in this country and abroad that protect special needs persons. However, the most vulnerable group that is still unprotected is the unborn. How ironic that this group, while still in the mother’s womb, is considered by many to be worthless.

David wrote: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” Psalm 139:13-16).

The very language that David uses “knit me together” fits the description of unique DNA. The more we learn about DNA and how it unpacks to build every aspect of each person is amazing. When a baby in the womb is created, it is the work of the creator as the personality, temperament and gifts are all blended to make a unique person. The conclusion from David’s words is that life begins at conception.

Abortion is racism at its worst. It says these unborn babies don’t matter, and they are of less value than other people. It is racism because it continues to ignore the science that proves that life begins at conception. It ignores the fact that babies twenty weeks old feel pain when aborted.

Abortions are decreasing in the United States, but the abortion movement continues to fight for its existence. The number of people worldwide who call themselves pro-life and stand against abortion is growing. The newest goal of the abortion industry is to promote “Do-It-Yourself Abortions” through the use of RU-486, mifepristone-misoprostol chemical abortion. The effects of this chemical abortion are harmful to women but are not being made known.

Several things are helping to give dignity to the unborn such as the fetal dignity laws that states are beginning to pass. These laws require abortion suppliers to bury or cremate unborn children after an abortion. They require informed consent for the mother to choose between burial or cremation for the baby. They prohibit the transfer and research of fetal remains. They also prohibit the sale of baby body parts.

Laws requiring doctors performing abortions to obtain hospital privileges to hospitals within a described distance of the clinic where the abortion is performed also helped to close abortion clinics in the last few years. Many doctors have not been granted the privileges at hospitals nearby, thereby forcing clinics to close.

In the last several years, videos from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) uncovered an industry of trafficking aborted baby body parts to sell and use for research. Harvesting the body parts of aborted children for research is disturbing and sickening to all pro-life advocates. Even more horrifying was that many of these tiny baby parts were sold to universities and government agencies for research at astronomical prices.

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