Thursday, January 30, 2020

Come to Me

Jesus' invitation to come to him is a standing invitation. He wants us to come to him, and he will give us rest. Here are his words: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matt 11:28-30). He knows that we are weary and burdened and he can give us the rest that we long for. There is no need to wonder if he will receive us. He will! There is no need to ponder if we have pure motives. He doesn’t care! He just wants us to come. Here are two stories about two of my granddaughters to illustrate my point.

When our granddaughter, Adela, was little, she would not have anything to do with me. On one occasion, we went to help take care of her one day while her mom and dad were busy. However, Adela only wanted my wife, Marilyn. When Marilyn decided to wash her hair, Adela stayed outside the bathroom door crying for her. Even though Marilyn couldn’t hear her because of the blow-dryer, Adela stayed right there. Finally, when she got tired, she came to me, put her arms up as if to say, “Okay, I guess you are the only one available.” I didn’t respond, “Hey, kid, I’m not taking you because I know I’m your second choice.” No! I was glad she came, and I picked her up and held her until she went to sleep. Jesus doesn’t judge us as to our worthiness when we come to him. He just picks us up and takes away our burden and gives rest.

Once I was playing a game with another granddaughter, Eliana, when she was just two-years-old, I asked, “Are you Grandpa’s girl?” She usually answered, “No, I’m grandma’s girl or mommy’s girl.” I responded by saying, “What!” and she giggled. However, this particular night she asked me to pick her up. She came up to me, said, “Grandpa, can I hold you?” I, of course, picked her up and sat her on my lap. What she really wanted were the Cheese Puffs I was eating. I asked her, “Whose girl are you?” She responded, “Grandpa’s girl.” I knew it was a lie because she wanted the Cheese Puffs, but I didn’t care. I took advantage of a moment to love my little granddaughter when she asked to be held. Likewise, when we come to Jesus regardless of the reason, he never questions the motive but extends his loving arms to us.

In a day when there is so much pain and so much heartache, which produces so much loneliness and sadness, what people need more than anything else is the rest that Jesus gives. “Come to me,” he says, and “I will give you rest.” I don’t care what you are going through or where you are right now I implore you to come to Jesus and allow him to take the heavy burden you are carrying away and let him give you rest.

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