In his book The Great Divorce, C. S.
Lewis writes about a young man who is perpetually bothered by a red lizard that
sits on his shoulder. The lizard ridicules the young man and thus incites him
to act in ways that he later regrets. Lewis uses the lizard to represent the
inner struggle that we all have with our sinful natures. The young man wants to
get rid of the annoying lizard and asks God to help. An angel appears and
offers to get rid of the infuriating little lizard. The young man is thrilled
with the idea until he realizes what will be involved in the process. The angel
will use fire to kill the lizard. The young man reacts in fear because he is
afraid that he can’t take the heat necessary to destroy the lizard. He
immediately attempts to negotiate with the angel. “Maybe it won’t be necessary
to kill the lizard, maybe we can just wound him.” “Maybe another time would be
better?” The angel firmly answers, “In this moment are all moments. Either you
want the red lizard to live, or you do not.” As soon as the lizard sees the
hesitancy of the young man, he begins to reason with him. Lewis writes:
‘Be careful,’ it said, ‘He can do what he
says. He can kill me. One fatal word from you and he will. Then you’ll be
without me forever and ever. It’s not natural. How could you live? You’ll only
be a sort of a ghost, not a real man as you are now. He doesn’t understand.
He’s only a cold, bloodless, abstract thing. It may be natural for him, but
it’s not natural for us. I know there are no real pleasures, only dreams, but
aren’t they better than nothing? I’ll be so good. I admit I’ve gone too far in
the past, but I promise I won’t do it again. I’ll give you nothing but really
nice dreams, all sweet and fresh and almost innocent…’
That young man with the red lizard clearly
represents all of us because it is the same conversation we have with our own
sinful natures. We are notorious to rationalize, “Just this time.” “It’s not
that bad.” “How could it feel so good and be bad at the same time?” “God always
forgives.” “I won’t let it go too far.” With similar words of compromise, we
too refuse to let God’s fire kill the lizards in our lives.
Lewis ends the story about the lizard
remarkably. Finally, the young man asks the angel to kill the lizard. The
mighty angel grasps the lizard in his fiery hands and chokes it until it dies
and falls to the ground. An amazing thing then happens. The moment it hits the
ground, it turns into a mighty stallion. The young man is invited to get on it
and ride it, which he does. C. S. Lewis says there was a song sang:
“The Master says to our master, come up. Share
my rest and splendor till all natures that were your enemies become slaves to
dance before you and backs for you to ride, and firmness for your feet to rest
The message is clear and encouraging to us.
What rules us now can, with God’s help, be overcome. What had been our master,
we can master. Lewis wants us to know that when we kill the sin, the things
that were so hard actually become excellent and enjoyable. I have seriously
studied the family and marriage over the years. Research indicates that those
with monogamous, faithful marriages experience greater sexual fulfillment than
those who are promiscuous. Those who are committed to marriage stay committed
to each other longer than those who are not. They experience greater emotional
and sexual intimacy. How can that be? Life
offers us fulfillment and contentment when we do it God’s way rather than our
way. We were never meant to live with the sinful lizards of this world, but
rather we were meant to ride heaven’s horses.