We all have to deal with death sometime.
During this pandemic, there has been much death, which has brought fear and
apprehension. The brokenness of this world is apparent with the spread of this
disease. We long for a better place. The scriptures tell us God once created a
perfect place which was called Eden. However, the book of Revelation tells us that
God has created a New Eden that will one day be our home. One thing for sure is
that death and suffering were never part of his original creation no the new
earth; we experience them because they are the results of our rebellion against
God. We were never meant to live in a world like this. Instead, were designed
to live in an unspoiled world. We are wired to long for it, as Solomon says, “He
has also set eternity in the hearts of men” (Eccl 3:11).
When death comes, it brings
questions—difficult questions that have allusive answers. These questions are
not new. We find them in this Old Testament story. Elijah, the prophet, had been sent to a poor
widow who sustained him during a prolonged drought. God miraculously provided
for her so she could sustain his prophet. However, during this time, the
woman’s small child grew very ill and died (1 Kings 17:17-18). As the woman
helplessly tried to stop death, she saw her little boy die. She voiced two
questions. They are questions we still ask when death stalks us. First, “What
do you have against me God?” and the second is, “Is it my fault that this
happened” (1 Kings 17:17-18)?
When death happens, and we cannot stop it, it often
does not feel right. Our mind tells us something is wrong, so we question God,
“Why have you done this to me?” We just can’t accept the idea that this is how
things have to be, so we cry out?” Then when we do not get an answer from God,
we blame ourselves. This tragedy must be my fault. Did I cause this? Was my sin
responsible for my son’s death? It is what we, as humans do. We ascribe meaning
to what doesn’t make sense. When we can’t figure it out, we usually blame
someone but mostly ourselves.
Elijah did not attempt to answer her questions,
which is what any wise person should do when confronted with those questions.
We cannot answer why. We can only listen and be there for the person. To
explain the unexplainable is to make their pain worse.
Elijah took the little boy in his arms and carried
him upstairs to his room, where he pleaded with God for his intervention.
Elijah voices the woman’s question, “O Lord my God, have you brought tragedy
also upon this widow I am staying with, by causing her son to die?” (1 Kings
17:20). His question is a protest against what has happened. God listened and answered
Elijah’s plea, “The Lord heard Elijah’s cry, and the boy’s life returned to
him, and he lived” (1 Kings 17:22). This was an extraordinary demonstration of
the Lord’s power to overcome death. It’s the first time in the Bible anything
like this had happened. The God of the Bible is the God of life and death. That
had to be quite a scene when Elijah carried the child back down to his mother
and said, “Look, your son is alive!” (1 Kings 17:23).
What happened in this story when Elijah stayed
in the widow’s house was the beginning of something bigger and more significant
than what appeared to be happening. What God was doing in that place was bigger
than Elijah, bigger than the widow, and even bigger than Israel. What God is
doing in your life is more significant than you. Ask God to let you see it,
especially when you are dealing with difficult situations such as death. If you
are willing to trust God, then you will come to see the bigger picture.