Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Greatest Racist


Today in our society, the worst thing you can call anyone is “racist.” It denotes that a person is prejudiced against people of other races, shows or feels discrimination, and believes that a particular race is superior to another. To combat racism, we have seen a proliferation of diversity classes in educational curricula and job training. We are taught today about micro-aggressions or the little ways we show racism toward a different race. No doubt micro-aggressions exist; however, the most reprehensible form of racism on the planet is abortion. This is racism that murders little defenseless babies before they ever see the light of day. It is racism that says these lives don’t matter.

The US Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case of 1857 in St. Louis was dead wrong. That case stated that slaves were property without the rights of free persons. When Abraham Lincoln took the oath of office as our 16th president, he was determined to see the dreaded institution of slavery ended. He and many other Americans knew that the Supreme Court was wrong. It took a civil war and 600,000 soldiers, dying along with the president to free the slaves. Though in practice, they were not free until the 13th amendment abolished slavery. Even then, prejudice and hatred would endure for nearly 100 years in many places, prohibiting freedom.

Last year, the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade of 1973, which denied the unborn the rights of free persons. Since that day, 12 states like California, Illinois, New York have enshrined in their state constitutions the right to abortion. Despite these states’ actions, Missouri was the first of 20 states to ban abortion. Little by little, people are beginning to see that abortion is a horrible crime against humanity. Thanks to technological advances, no one dares argue that life begins at conception. Thanks to crisis pregnancy centers, young women can now see their babies before their eyes and decide to keep them. People are even starting to see abortion as the form of racism that it truly is. Let us pray that this racism against the unborn will end. Let us pray that these babies will one day be totally protected by the law in all 50 states. Let us pray that these babies will be seen as human beings worthy of the dignity of life they deserve.


Thursday, January 12, 2023


We have growing on the banks of a creek, near our church, the common water reed. The stream is full of these reeds that thrive in mud and mire. They won’t grow anywhere else. If the ground dries up, they die. The flexible reeds bend with every wind coming their way. When the creek is high, the current pushes the reeds entirely flat. They owe their existence to the mire and depend upon their present circumstances to survive. Any change, any less moisture, and they cease to exist.

How many people are there like these reeds? They are happy and flourishing as long as they have what they want. All their joy is derived from their present circumstances. However, let a drought of happiness or relationships come their way, and they die emotionally and spiritually. They know little of the strength of living through the seasons of life. Because they live in a state of unrealistic expectations, they are often disappointed. They feel institutions fail them, and they blame people for their failures. The people and circumstances around them so influence them that they don’t know how to stand alone. They know so very little about putting down deep roots so their souls can be sustained by something besides the surface water that is so polluted and seasonal.

Putting roots down is hard, boring work. You have to stay still and stay put! You can’t change jobs, partners, or friendships whenever you feel unhappy. You can’t judge people by some unrealistic standard with no forgiveness. You have to accept that these are people in my life, my wife, my husband, and my friends. I have to make this work, so I will figure out how to do that. That is called putting down roots. Relationships grow through adversity.

The relationships in your life will begin to yield fruit if you put down roots. Letting your roots grow deep allows them to bring up nutrients and moisture that don’t exist on the surface. What comes up from the deep roots will be life-sustaining strength. It will allow you to develop an identity that will not be swayed by the winds of opinion or pushed over by the current of public pressure. Come drought or high water, and you will still be standing.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

An Invasion

There is an invasion of millions of people crossing our southern border. They are not arriving in military vehicles but on foot. They are not coming to attack us but to find a better life, at least the majority. Indeed, some come with bad intentions because some of these bad people have been apprehended. They come from over a hundred countries but primarily from Latin America. They cross in such huge numbers that there is no possibility or desire to vet who is entering our country. The number that has crossed in the last two years is a shocking five million, the equivalent of the population of Los Angeles and San Diego combined or the state of South Carolina. In two more years, the total will reach 10-15 million. No sane person can truthfully say this is normal. Remember the last time you went through airport security, and TSA checked out every detail of you and your carry-on. Why are we being scrutinized and millions of people are not? Why are we being taxed to the gills, and these people are not? Why are we struggling to pay for our own health care when they are given health care?

The millions entering will go on to work but pay no taxes. On the other hand, 87,000 IRS agents are needed to investigate whether we are paying enough. What is wrong with this picture? The answer lies in the administration’s plans to change the country. They are determined to make a complete distribution of wealth and create a massive dependence on the government. This is socialism 101.

This invasion is bringing in more dangerous drugs and horrific human trafficking than is imaginable. This magnet of an open border is dividing families all over Latin America as some make the journey and some stay home. I have talked with several who have made the long and horrific journey. What they endured and must pay after arriving is nothing less than indentured servanthood. Where is the outcry from the media for these poor families? This invasion has given employment to some of the worst human beings on the planet, the coyotes and cartels who bring these people to the border. The truth is that the government and the media don’t care about these people—any compassion is feigned.

Incidentally, congress just sent several millions of dollars to other countries to help them build walls for their borders. All the while, this inept and deceptive administration denies that there is a problem at our border. I do not blame the people crossing the border but our government. This administration is, without a doubt, the most corrupt in the history of our country.