Sometimes a good question can change things. It was so with four lepers who lived in Israel. Times were as bad as it gets because Samaria was besieged by an enemy starving the Israelites. Four lepers sat outside the city walls, and one asked a startling question, “Why stay here until we die?” (2 Kings 7:3). He reasoned that if they tried to get into the city, there was nothing but famine. If they continued to stay where they were, they would also die. Why not try something crazy? He suggested that the four march headlong into the enemy’s camp and see what happens. The worst they could do would be to kill them. They would die anyway; why not die trying to do something worthwhile?
Did the lepers know they would be successful? Did they have the assurance they would be better off? Absolutely not! They did, however, know they had to try. As evening fell, they got up and ventured toward the enemy camp. However, as they walked, God “caused the Arameans to hear the sound of chariots and horses and a great army” (2 Kings 7:5-6). When the lepers arrived at the camp, it was utterly deserted. God had made the steps of four lepers sound like a mighty approaching army.
God intervened on behalf of the four lepers. He didn’t tell them what he was going to do. God still does this when we step out in faith. Our resources are limited, but God is never limited. Nothing is impossible with God. Nothing is too difficult for God.
When God tells you to act, he will go with you. One of the reasons I like this story is that it shows God will use anyone—even a leper. God put the restless spirit inside these fellows and honored their courage. Is God calling you to step out and do something for him? You may be fearful or unsure of what to do, but the inner voice says, “Do something!”