Monday, January 27, 2025

Crime Doesn't Pay

 An SS officer named Adolf Eichmann became a rising star in Hitler’s Nazi army. Asked to head up the mission to rid the city of Vienna, Austria, of Jews in 1938. He did a very efficient job.

In January 1942, Eichmann was put in charge of the final solution—a code name for exterminating all the Jews in Europe. He was in charge of finding, transporting, and killing millions of Jews in the Nazi death camps. He carried this duty out with horrifying efficiency, exhibiting no conscience. He killed around four million Jews in the camps, while another two million were executed elsewhere. After the war, Eichmann escaped justice by fleeing to Argentina, where he made a life for himself and his family in Buenos Aires.

On May 11, 1960, Israel’s Mossad operatives snatched Eichmann away as he was walking from the bus to his home. A Year later, Eichmann’s trial began in Jerusalem. He claimed he was following orders, but the judges found him guilty and sentenced him to die. On May 31, 1962, he was hanged. Justice was late, but it came with finality for Eichmann.

A story in 2 Samuel is about a young Amalekite who brought news to David. He brought an embellished story of how Saul had died. He fully expected that his story would place him in the good graces of the new king. He distorted the truth enough to make himself the “hero” of his story. He claimed he had killed Saul to ease his suffering. He thought David would see his significant accomplishments and reward him. Surely, David wanted the crown. This was his plan and logical thinking, but the Amalekite picked the wrong king because David did not think like that.

We know that the young man who came to David had not, in fact, killed Saul. He just claimed that he had. He fabricated his lie in order to achieve his plan. What he did not understand was David’s righteousness. He miscalculated by not taking into account the character of this king. David asks him, “How is it that dared touch the Lord’s Anointed? (2 Samuel 1:14). David gave the order to execute him.

The Amalekite thought he could seek David’s kingdom while ignoring the king’s righteousness. He exemplifies all who think wrongdoing pays when God’s king reigns. Those who entertain that thought fail to realize that they will ultimately stand before the Lord in final judgment.

Eichmann appeared to have escaped justice for many years, but he did not. It may seem that many have escaped justice, but they will not because the king of the Universe, Jesus Christ, is the one who determines the final outcome. Those who believe God’s Word know it is foolish to defy God’s justice. The Lord forgives those who repent. He restores those who turn to him for help. He has mercy on those who humble themselves. He heals those who cry out to him. But he does not reward unrighteousness.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Does Crime Pay?

 There are two significant views about crime: first, those who believe crime is wrong say, “Crime doesn’t pay.” That is because the negative consequences of being caught are not worth any benefit the crime brings to the perpetrator.

The second view: “Crime does pay.” Those who believe that crime does pay. Few really think there is nothing to be gained from criminal activity. If that were true, criminals would have learned the lesson by now. However, all over the world, crime continues to happen. Those who break the law believe they will benefit.

One of the reasons criminals believe today that crime pays is because it does. Many of our laws have enabled them to continue their criminal behavior and not be punished. An example is California’s infamous law allowing a person to steal up to $1000 without punishment. Doing away with the cash bail system in many cities has allowed criminals to be turned back on the street as fast as they are arrested. There are those in our society who love the criminal and want to excuse lawless behavior because the perpetrator has not had an equal chance in life. Therefore, for the most part, we do not have severe enough consequences to deter criminal behavior. Today, there is a lack of moral clarity, which effectively enables criminals to continue their lifestyles. There’s a fear that overly strict punishments disproportionately impact marginalized communities.

This view of not punishing criminals because they haven’t had a fair shake in life would be what Solomon wrote about: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death” (Proverbs 16:25). Also Solomon spoke about what happens when we fail to swiftly punish the criminal we only encourage others to do the same: “When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong” Ecclesiastes 8:11). The lack of a strong deterrent is a strong reason for others to join the criminal in his illegal and immoral behavior: “You must purge the evil from among you. The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you” Deuteronomy 19:19-20). Consequently, crime continues the world over because crime can pay.

Christians believe in reform and rehabilitation, which the Gospel does. However, this does not mean that we ignore what criminals perpetrate on society.

However, it would be wrong of us to believe that evil criminals are the only ones who do wrong. We should not overlook the wrong we all do—a small lie, rude behavior, a broken promise, a lousy attitude, good we could have done but didn’t.  We do these things because we think we can gain something of benefit, some advantage, power, or even revenge. Our only hope for ourselves is to place our faith and confidence in the one who can save us and rehabilitate us—Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 13, 2025

A Time of Waiting

 No one likes waiting—it’s hard. We say things like, “What’s taking so long?” “What’s the holdup?”  “Don’t they have any competent people around here?” Waiting is uncomfortable. We feel we are wasting time that could be spent more profitably. “I could be doing a hundred other things I want to do.” Waiting, however, is part of life. We wait our turn at the checkout, at the doctor’s office, and in traffic, but most importantly, we wait on God.

Yes, God makes us wait, too. Why would he do that? He does that because we are not ready, so we wait. David had been chosen king but wasn’t prepared, so God had him go through a period of waiting that lasted 13 years. Yikes, we say! David, however, learned to wait. He said, “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope” (Ps 130:5).

The book of 1 Samuel ends with the death of King Saul. This was the king that the people hoped would deliver them from their enemies, but now he was dead. 1 Samuel opens with these words: “After the death of Saul, David returned from striking down the Amalekites and stayed in Ziklag two days” (2 Samuel 1:1). There is a lot in these words. The Philistines defeated Saul and drove him to suicide. He died an utter failure. The people would have lamented, “We had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel.” There is an implied question in the first verse of 2 Samuel, “What will happen after the death of Saul”? If Saul could not keep us safe, what hope was there?

It reminds us of what the followers of Jesus felt after Jesus died on the cross. “but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel” (Luke 24:21). Jesus’ shameful, humiliating death dashed the hopes of those who had believed in him, just as the death of Saul had shattered the hope of his followers. Some saw Jesus’ terrible death and Saul’s as God’s judgment.

While Saul was gone, there was one victorious person, David. Any hope in Saul was now gone. The narrator tells us that “David returned from striking down the Amalekites and stayed in Ziklag two days” (2 Sam 1:1). Something was happening even though it didn’t look like it. God was working. Those two days were dark, just as they were when Jesus was in the grave, but on the third day, Jesus arose from the dead. In the story of Saul, on the third day, all the attention will turn to David. The lesson is that when all hope is gone—it’s not—God is always doing something for our good. David would become Israel’s greatest king, and Jesus would conquer death be our eternal king.




Thursday, January 2, 2025

Remembering What Is Important

 Scientists say that we never forget anything. How can that be, you say, since we seem to forget a lot? The mind stores what happens, but we do not necessarily recall those things until we are reminded of them. Something has to unlock it.

Repression is a defense mechanism that we all use from time to time. It causes us to deny what is painful. We push down into our subconscious those things we want to forget. People repress feelings of guilt, grief, anger or anything we don’t want to think about. We manage to push the painful to one side in order to get past something very difficult. Oddly enough, sometimes, we repress the good things in life as we learn the habit of repressing the bad—it spills over to the good.

We must be taught gratitude, and then we still have to work at it to keep it fresh. Moses warned  Israel about forgetting: “Be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery” (Deuteronomy 6:12).

Prosperity tends to make us forget the good things God has done for us. We often take our health for granted, but we only have to get sick to be reminded of what we have. We should be thankful if we have a job and a good income. Thank God for the air we breathe. I once got choked at a banquet and could not breathe. A man noticed that I was struggling, so he performed the Helmick maneuver on me, and the piece of meat in my throat came unwedged. I was never so thankful to be able to breathe freely. We take for granted the sunlight, a shelter from the rain, a warm bed from the cold. We need to be thankful for food to eat and our family around us.  

David speaking to himself said: “Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits —  who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. (Psalm 103:2-5).

It is a great joy when one remembers our name. R.T. Kendall in (Just Say Thanks) told about a friend who works as a chaplain in a hospital for people suffering psychiatric disorders where a lady walked up and down the hall day after day crying out so sadly, “Does anybody here know my name?

God knows our name, and he doesn’t forget it. Isaiah wrote: “he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1). Isaiah again reminds us of this: “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!” (Isaiah 49:15).