Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Special Bond

Through the years I have seen all kinds of family problems. Certain children and adolescents manifest significant emotional stress in their lives. Some exhibit overt behavioral difficulties in school, the home and other social settings. Others experience traumatic events that leave them with feelings of fear and abandonment. Still others even ponder the meaning of their existence. These same adolescents come to see the world as an unsafe place full of people who cannot be trusted. They fight feelings of self-hatred and low self-esteem and do not know how to cope with stressful situations. These overwhelming feelings often become life-long dysfunctional patterns.

Many times the one missing component in these children’s lives is the bond between a mother and child that transforms the child’s development. This maternal-bond that God gives to the child and the mother is a wonderful gift. How we are amazed at children regardless of the age that show respect and honor to their parents. How does that happen? Where do children learn to respect their mother and father? I submit to you today that it starts with the mother.

A mother has a very special place in a child’s life. What she does with it will make all the difference in the world for that child. This bond helps form a child’s personality and opens doors of healthy development for the child the rest of his or her life. It is a bond that says, “I will love you with unconditional love no matter what you do.” A bond that says, “I love you child, and you are the delight of my life.” A bond that says, “I want the best for you, and I will do everything in my power to help you be your best.”  A bond that says, “I will teach you how to know the difference between right and wrong,” and “I will show you what has real meaning in life and what is just superficial.” A bond that says, “I will show you how to control your emotions and not allow them to control you, and teach you how to control yourself so you are not controlled by other people.” A bond that says, “I will teach you how to be a critical thinker and not a critic of other people’s weaknesses.” A bond that says, “I will teach you how to forgive so that you do not become resentful, and when I make a mistake I will ask your forgiveness.” A bond that says, “I will show you how to be flexible and trust God to help you when you don’t know what to do instead of becoming stubborn and anxious.” A bond that says, “I will teach you how to treat people with respect and dignity and teach you how you should expect to be treated by others.” A bond that says, “With God’s help you will be ready to live life on your own when the time comes.”

This bond with the mother teaches the child how to live, how to love, how to trust, how to worship, and how to die. This is what a godly mother does for each of us.

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