The lion who wanted to prove his authority asked a bear, “Who is
the king of the jungle?” The bear answered, “You of course.” Having heard what
he wanted to hear, he then asked a tiger, “Who is the king of the jungle?” The
tiger answered, “You of course.” Again having heard what he wanted to hear, he
then asked an elephant, “Who is the king of the jungle?” The elephant grabbed
him and threw him up in the air and let him fall on some rocks. Then he threw
him even higher than ever and let him fall into some trees. The lion now
bruised and limping replied to the elephant, “If you don’t know the right answer,
you don’t have to get so mad about it.”
We all want to be accepted and validated, but it is amazing how hard it
is for us to give that acceptance to others. Instead we, like the lion, often
seek to assert our authority over others. The Bible explains why we do this: “…for
all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). Unless we learn
to let God’s grace intervene, our selfish natures will insist on our being
first at any cost.
The Apostle Paul is an example of someone who had the ability to accept
other people who were different than he was and encourage them. He certainly
wasn’t always that way, but God’s marvelous grace had transformed him. When
Paul wrote Timothy his second letter, it was the last letter he would ever
write. The letter is very personal and meant to encourage and inspire Timothy.
Paul is in a Roman prison, very much alone and very lonely. Paul was the
complete opposite of Timothy. He was an extrovert and Timothy an introvert. He
was as bold as a lion and Timothy as fearful as a frightened kitten, and yet
Paul gently accepts these differences in Timothy. His words here to Timothy
were uplifting: “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of
God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us
a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline” (2
Tim 1:6-7).
Acceptance of another person is a mature act that changes both people.
The greater the acceptance of each other in marriage, the more satisfying the
relationship will be. Take for example a husband who has trouble because his
wife is very outgoing and has many friends, while he is very solitary. He
criticizes her and tries to change her into an introvert like himself. It won’t
work, and it will diminish from their relationship. When he recognizes that
this is how God made her and he accepts her, he begins to see how she blossoms
when she is free to be herself. He then will begin to enjoy his relationship
with her more. Perhaps the same could be said about the wife who nags her
husband because he is such a spend thrift and doesn’t like spending money. The
more she tries to change him into a spender like herself, the more unhappy he
is and the more the relationship is diminished. Only when she begins to see his
ways as helpful, do the both of them begin to enjoy each other.
This concept is applicable to every human relationship. When parents
learn to see and appreciate the differences in their children, it makes an
enormous difference in the relationships. When bosses see the unique
differences in their employees and accept them, only then are they able to
build on the strengths and minimize the weaknesses.
Are you able to accept the people God has put in your life? Is the one
person you seem to be having so many problems with due to the fact that you are
not very accepting of them? Let’s abandon the lion’s strategy for a while and
see how many people we can validate through our acceptance of their uniqueness
even though it so different than our own.
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