Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Letting the Light Work

Jesus was the master story-teller, and he did so by using parables. These were stories that used something familiar to teach a truth that was not so familiar. Here are two short parables that Jesus used to teach us what it means to be a true follower of Christ.

First, The Lamp, is a story about using the light to the greatest advantage. You don’t light a lamp and then put it under the bed. No, people put lamps on stands so that the light reaches further and lights the way (Luke 8:16-17). When God’s Word is in our hearts and we have committed our hearts to Jesus, then the light that comes out of our lives is an attractive light to the world around us.

We should not be surprised when those who do not know Christ do things that offend us, but we shouldn’t let that bother us. People who don’t know Christ often use profanity, they may drink too much or some other thing that irritates us. It’s not our job to try to change them—that’s how they talk and live. Our job is just let the light shine. If you really know Jesus, you will have something inside of you that is attractive. Use it; don’t hide it, but don’t put it in their face and blind them. Love them, support them and be a friend to them. If you do, they will come to you in their time of need.

The second little parable is about Family.  Jesus’ mother and siblings came to see him, but because there were so many people, they couldn’t get to him. When Jesus was told that his family wanted to see him, he responded, "My mother and brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice” (Luke 8:19-21). Jesus was not teaching us to ignore our families but rather that the connection in the family of God is often closer than that of blood related families. Jesus’ earthly family was learning that they could not control Jesus, which they tried to do on several occasions. He was exerting independence and the priority of his calling.

Are you part of Jesus’ family? Is doing God’s will the most important thing in your life? If it is, then you will find a way to be intimately connected to Jesus. Our greatest need is to be connected to Jesus. Whatever has happened that has interfered with your relationship with Jesus—I urge you to resolve it and make Jesus the closest friend you have. When Jesus is your closest friend, your light will shine and when it does, you can expect the light to work. People will be attracted to Jesus by watching your life.

First and foremost we were made for connection with Jesus. When you are connected to him, you will function better, you will enjoy life and understand what life is all about. You will treat people better, and you, yourself will produce fruit. It’s the kind of fruit that makes you winsome and attractive.

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