When things don’t make sense, we have
our toughest times. While John the Baptist was held in the Machaerus dungeon,
his resentment seemed to be greater with Jesus than with Herod. He felt
betrayed because no prison doors opened; he was brokenhearted, but no Messiah
came to bind it up. Most of all, where was judgment for sinners? In bitter
disappointment he asked, “Are you the one that is to come or are we to wait for
another?” Jesus profoundly replied to John’s discouragement: “Blessed is the
man who does not fall away on account of me" (Luke 7:23). Jesus told John
to not let his disappointment undermine his trust when he didn’t understand
God’s ways.
We all face disappointment just like John did,
and we sometimes feel like God has let us down. We find ourselves in our own
dungeons fighting a battle with doubt. We, too, wonder like John, “Are you the
one, Jesus?” (Luke 7:20). John was having a problem fitting all the pieces of
life together. He pondered the words of Jesus that came from his disciples—words
that described marvelous works that were utterly incredible. Who ever heard of
giving sight to the blind, or causing the lame to walk, and beyond all
imagination, stories of Jesus raising the dead? There was only one problem with
this report of Jesus. It didn’t fit John’s description of the Messiah. This
wasn’t the same idea John had of the Messiah. This part was what he wanted, but
he wanted more—a Messiah that would hang the Romans out to dry and set his
people free. John wanted the Messiah that would bring judgment to the proud and
sinful—but this Messiah was different. Where was his axe? Where was his fiery
We all form notions of God that are
incomplete. These notions are based on what others have told us and what we
think God should do. Then disappointment settles in the way it did for John as
we realize that God isn’t acting like he is supposed to. If God really loves
us, why then is this happening to me? If God is really fair, why doesn’t he
punish sin? We want God to be the way we imagine him to be, and when he isn’t,
we wonder, “Is this really the Messiah?”
When Jesus responded to John’s question, he offered
no explanation as to why fiery judgment had been withheld. There was no
explanation as to why Herod and his like were permitted to continue and why the
Romans were left unchecked. The biggest mystery is why Jesus, who opened
blinded eyes and made the lame walk, never offered to free John. However, the
one encouraging thing Jesus gave John was this, "Blessed is the man who
does not fall away on account of me" (Luke 7: 23).
The disappointment John felt in Jesus is seen
today in people. They are the people who stop attending church and believing in
God as they once did because God didn’t stop the death of their loved one. They
are those who are disappointed because they didn’t get the promotion or gain
the coveted success they wanted. Where was Jesus when their marriage was
falling apart? We live in a self-focused culture, and the church has catered to
the meism of our times by trying to scratch every itch. These words of Jesus
are for us today as much as they were for John. The message that Jesus sent was
simply this: "John, you will be blessed if you do not fall away because of
your disappointment with the way I choose to work." And John took heart and remained steadfast to
the end.
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