The freedom
that we have enjoyed in this country for 240 years is a precious thing. The
founding of our country was a marvelous thing—the history, the war of
independence and the founding documents.
The Declaration of Independence is a masterpiece of writing. It declares
our freedom to the King of England and all the world. Later, the founders wrote
a constitution that was crafted with incredible skill and foresight. Congress
and the president approved it, and it was ratified by the colonies. It took
decades for the Constitution to be fully understood and implemented and
especially appreciated for what it is.
It not only became the framework for our freedom, but has also been a
model for constitutions all over the world.
I have
difficulty with people who have deliberately tried to ignore or diminish our Constitution.
The Dred Scott v. Sandford decision
in 1857 was an example of blatant disregard for the Constitution and the Declaration
of Independence. President Barack Obama has shown us in the last 7 ½ years that
he despises the Constitution and does not respect the founders of this country.
Though he has not openly said that, his actions clearly support that position.
He has shown unparalleled disregard for the law in his choosing to ignore laws
he doesn’t like and supporting laws he likes.
He and his administration have rewritten laws, a job reserved only for Congress. Incidentally, Barack Obama has prospered in
his agenda because Congress has refused to do its job. He has accumulated debt during his two terms
that surpasses the debt of all the other presidents combined, and Congress has
been complicit in this crime.
He has allowed and even encouraged illegal immigration and has gone so
far as to take taxpayer money and give it to them by the billions. Now he is
bringing Muslim immigrants from countries with ties to terrorism with no
thought to the security of our nation. He has crammed the transgender laws down
the throat of the nation while terrorist attacks are taking place in this
country. He has shown a contempt for Christianity on every level from forcing
nuns to pay for abortions to making California churches pay for the killing of
unborn children through their insurance premiums. He has demanded crosses be
taken down where he speaks while saying that the sound of the Muslim call to
prayer is the sweetest sound on earth. He has punished members of the military
for practicing their faith.
He has shown distain for our ally Israel while giving away the bank to
the Muslims. He is fighting for a divided Jerusalem and a return of the 1967
borders for Israel. Our taxpayer money still funds the Hamas run Palestinian
Authority. There is no doubt that Barack Obama does not appreciate the freedom
we have enjoyed nor does he appreciate the freedom Israel enjoys. This
president is no friend of freedom, and I for one pray for his term to be over
and for the next president to be a person who loves freedom and appreciates our
founding documents.
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