A great teacher helps his or her students to learn. He doesn’t just dispense information. He
creates new ways for people to discover the truth he wants them to discover as
their own. Truth always has so much more power when we discover it on our own
than when someone just tells us. There were times that Jesus deliberately set
his disciples up so they would have to use every bit of creativity to discover
the solution to the problem. When faced with feeding the 5000, he tested his
disciples saying, “You give them something to eat” (Matt 14:6). He told them to
“drive out demons” knowing that they would flounder and fail at this (Matt
10:8). He gave them orders to cross the lake knowing they would encounter a
storm (Matt 8:18). Tests are important
because they reveal our attitudes and what we believe about the most important
things in life.
On another occasion Jesus tested his disciples, and the result was that
their attitudes were pretty bad. They needed to see how much prejudice and
indifference they carried around toward certain people. When Jesus and his
disciples arrived in Tyre, a Canaanite woman whose daughter was suffering from
demon-possession came to him for help. The exchange reveals ugly attitudes
buried deep within the disciples. The Lord tested the woman and his disciples
(Matt 15:21-28).
The disciples want to send her away because she is a bother. Jesus says
in effect I minister only to Jews, but the woman insists and begs for help.
Jesus says that it would not be right to take the children’s bread and toss it
to their dogs. The woman does not become insulted or defensive but responds in
a magnificent way: “Yes, Lord," she said, "but even the dogs eat the
crumbs that fall from their masters' table.” To which the Lord immediately
responds with: “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And
her daughter was healed from that very hour (Matt 15:27-28).
The woman passes her test because Jesus had ignored her at first and then
had replied in what could have been a rude way to her. She never wavered in her
insistence for help. Her humility and sincere answer would have melted the
heart of a stone. The disciples learned, as Jesus planned, that all people
matter even if they are different. When Jesus commended her faith, they learned
that any person can have faith and that Jesus loved this woman as much as any
Jew. The disciples would take a while to fully comprehend what happened on this
day. However, they would all eventually
come to embrace the idea that all people everywhere deserve to know about
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