One of the greatest virtues of the Christian faith is faithfulness. It
simply means that a believer keeps doing what they are supposed to do. That
they keep their promises and constantly support those around them. Jesus
emphasized this quality in many of his talks and especially by the faithfulness
of his own life. Jesus asked, “Where is the faithful servant who can be
depended on?” (Matt 24:45). On another occasion he told a parable about three
servants who were entrusted with money, each according to their own abilities.
Finally, their master called them to give an account of what they had done with
his money. Two of them had faithfully administered his money and were commended
as faithful servants, but one was lazy and irresponsible, so he was rebuked by Jesus.
Jesus’ words to the faithful servants were, “Well done, good and faithful
servant!” (Matt 25:14-30).
Being faithful to our Lord Jesus and to the ideals of Christianity is not
easy in a culture where faithfulness is given little significance. However,
faithful people are motivated by their love of the Lord and his work. In the
last book of the Bible, in the very last chapter, there is, as we would expect,
an exhortation to be faithful. The text records the words of the Lord Jesus as
he admonishes us all to remain faithful: “Let him who does wrong continue to do
wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue
to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy” (Rev 22:11). The
words are meant to encourage us to not be influenced by another’s
unfaithfulness, but rather to be committed to faithfulness. No doubt about it,
there is unfaithfulness everywhere around us: in marriage, in business, in
friendship and in faith, but we are to continue to do the right thing regardless.
Even if we find ourselves surrounded by people who do wrong, we must do right;
when we see others who pursue an immoral lifestyle, we are to pursue holiness.
Every day we are to keep our promises, first to God and then to our family and
faith. One day we too will hear those marvelous words of commendation: “Well
done, good and faithful servant!”
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