Respect is the esteem for the inherent worth of a person. Respect is the
ability to genuinely exhibit this esteem for other people regardless of their
race or ethnicity. This special ability has to be learned and is best taught to
children by their parents. Today it is frightening to see people who have grown
up without this quality. Respect for parental authority is absent in many homes
today. Often it is not present in the classroom, making interaction between the
teacher and student very difficult. Respect is a concept that has to be taught
to children from a very early age if they are to learn it. It must be modeled
by parents so that the children see respect demonstrated in the interaction
between their mother and father. When mom is respectful of dad and dad is very
loving and respectful of mom, they learn this is how they are supposed to treat
each other.
The Old Testament instructs parents to teach their children respect for
their parents, the elderly and God. The New Testament instructs us to show
proper respect for everyone. Respect from the Christian viewpoint begins with
the idea that we are created by God for a purpose, and that purpose is to
reflect his glory. That means that our lives have purpose and meaning. That
purpose is seen when a man and a woman marry for life and choose to bring
children into the world. Those children become their responsibility until they
reach adulthood. Parents want to see them grow up and become respectful and
responsible adults. The job begins with teaching their children to respect
their authority as parents. It is sad to see children be disrespectful of their
parents, but likely those parents never taught their children about respect.
This concept has to be taught and learned because it won’t happen on its own.
The areas of respect begin with respecting their parents and respecting
God. Then they include respecting other adults, their peers, respecting those
in authority and respecting our property and the property of others. Respect is
essential in development because it is the vehicle that facilitates the learning
of other important principles of life for children. Gaining a respect for God
is the foundation of a meaningful faith. Respect for adults provides the means
for the child to interact and communicate in a way that will be mutually beneficial.
Respect invites people to share your life. It also enables the child to be
socially apt at making friends. Respecting those in authority is the key to
social progress— academically, socially and emotionally with people who will
play a significant role in their lives. Lastly, learning to respect property,
both their own and that of others, helps them to be good stewards of material
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