For five thousand years, marriage has been the
foundation of our society. The concept of marriage originates in the Bible in
Genesis 2:18-25 where God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I
will make a helper suitable for him." God then created the woman from the
man he had made, “Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out
of the man, and he brought her to the man.” The Lord brought Eve to Adam the
way a father presents his daughter to the man she marries.
From this passage, we come to understand that
marriage represents the legal and moral obligations a man and a woman have to
each other. It is both permanent and exclusive. The fidelity and monogamy of
marriage are unique in this the most intimate of all relationships on earth.
Marriage is a public covenant that announces to the world his and her
acceptance of these responsibilities with the utmost sincerity and reverence.
Marriage provides stability for children born to this union and gives an
example of what a mother, father, husband, and wife are to the children.
Marriage satisfies the sexual and emotional desires of both the husband and
wife. Of course, not all marriages are a success, but that does not diminish
the concept of marriage and its potential.
The new alternatives to marriage today are
cohabitation and same-sex marriage. Marriage, they say, is nothing more than
the union of two people who love each other and are committed to each other.
Cohabitation is in many ways the joining of
two individuals who continue to live as individuals without expecting the total
commitment that marriage demands. The result is that the longevity of
cohabitation is nowhere comparable to traditional marriage. Cohabitation has
more difficulty joining two individuals and their extended families because of
its lack of permanence and commitment.
Same-sex marriage denies the natural basis for
marriage, which is procreation. All major religions of the world support
traditional marriage, underscoring the natural view of marriage. Same-sex
marriage also lacks the longevity of traditional marriage.
The new proposals for replacing traditional
marriage will now face new challenges. Who is to say that polyamorous
relationships are not legitimate? Biblically speaking, marriage is not just a
social and legal arrangement but also, most importantly, a moral covenant that
is made clear in the first book of the Bible.
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