Friday, October 11, 2019

Taking Time Off

After finishing 20 years here at People’s Church, the Board of Deacons offered Marilyn and me a month-long sabbatical. We are just back from that time off and are so grateful for the chance to getaway. We drove to California, and though it is a long drive, we always enjoy the opportunity to see the handiwork of the creator on the journey. This time away allowed us to be with Marilyn’s mother and stepfather and to be able to help them in ways we cannot normally do. We spent time with them and took them to their appointments and fixed things up around their house. We also had the opportunity to spend the weekends with our daughter, Carin, her husband Richard, and our two California grandkids, Caitlin and Donovan. Since we only get to see everyone in California maybe once a year, this was a real privilege. We also had the opportunity to make a quick trip to the coast and have some of the best fish and chips.

Our trip to the San Joaquin Valley coincided with harvest time.  We saw almonds, pistachios, grapes, and raisins being harvested everywhere. The cotton was only a few weeks away from its harvest. Seeing these harvests is a sight to behold, and it brings back a lot of memories.

We returned through the Rockies and saw beautiful sights in Utah and Colorado. The fall colors in the Rockies were breathtaking. We spent some time in Colorado Springs where Marilyn’s sister Ginny lives. It’s a beautiful city that has a daily view of Pike’s Peak.

As I reflect on the time off, I can see the value in unplugging from the daily routine. I am grateful for all the little ways that God brings joy to our lives. Sometimes we miss the enjoyment of the little moments because we are looking for the big ones. Our time off had very few big moments but was filled with lots of the little moments that brought us so much joy.

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