As Christians with a Biblical view, we can make a significant contribution to the election in November by only voting our values. Here are some issues by which to judge the candidates:
Pro-life: First and foremost is our pro-life position of supporting life in the womb. Any candidate that is pro-abortion should be eliminated immediately from consideration! Science confirms what the Bible already told us that life begins in the womb. Secondly, life is also sacred at the end of life and should be protected from any attempt to demean the value of life for our aged population.
Fiscal Accountability: Considering the spending of our Federal, state, and local governments, it appears no one in government knows how to balance a budget. If we have to balance our budgets, why should the government be allowed to spend without limits and continue to add to the national deficit? This means that we should oppose candidates that continually want to spend more money, thus raising taxes. Enough is enough! It’s time to balance the budget on the state and national level!
Security of the Nation: We have every right to expect that our government will protect us from danger from abroad but also maintain law and order in our cities. Any politician that has supported, aided, or appeased the lawlessness in our cities should be voted out of office. We need leaders that will support law enforcement and protect us.
The Courts: We have been given an incredible document called the United States Constitution to guide us as a nation. That document only has force if the courts at all levels appreciate and respect the Constitution. We need judges that will preserve the Constitution and property interpret that document.
Religious Liberty: We have heard the words “Freedom of Worship” over the last ten years, more and more. We, however, are interested in a whole lot more than freedom of worship. We want the freedom to practice our religion everywhere. How many bakers, artists, photographers, florists, and business people have been prohibited from practicing their faith in the workplace? Tyrants in government have prosecuted them for merely practicing their faith.
Marriage and Family: We are hearing less and less today about marriage and family as if it doesn’t matter. Many of our laws financially penalize people when they get married. The nuclear family that is defined as one man and one woman and their children needs to be supported by laws and policies that build up marriage and family. The LBGTQ is fighting to destroy the family as we know it today.
Education: The principal purpose of our educational system is to give basic education to our children and adolescents. The educational system has been high jacked by leftist principles of anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-democracy, anti-biological gender. We need people elected to office that will confront the influential teachers’ unions and lobbies who perpetuate these principles that are antithetical to our Biblical beliefs.
Energy & Environment: Leftist views of our environment would utterly destroy our economy. Their draconian controls of our lives would be shocking! God has given the earth to us to dominate and care for it. We must be good stewards, but we are free to use what God has given to us. The Green policies of the left would enslave us to their socialistic forms of government they are obsessed with implementing.
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