Having the ability to see what is going on before it actually happens is a rare gift; it is called insight. Few people have this ability. Winston Churchill had the insight to see that Hitler was a dictator intent on conquering the world while he appeared to people like Charles Lindbergh and Lady Astor as a gifted world leader. Lady Astor hated Churchill for his criticisms of Hitler, so once she said to him, “If you were my husband, I would put arsenic in your tea.” Churchill responded, “If I were your husband, I would drink it.” There were plenty in the world media who praised Stalin for his transformation of Russia and the Soviet Union while ignoring the atrocities that were so common. They said that Stalin was a man of the people who really cared about lasting and meaningful change.
George Orwell saw through the lies and deception of the purported utopia of communism by Comrade Stalin before most of the world did. Orwell wrote an allegory of what Stalin’s communism really was in a small book entitled Animal Farm. It was published in 1945 though It could have been published earlier, but publishers were afraid to do so.
The book describes a rebellion led by a pig named Napoleon, who took over a farm that belonged to Mr. Jones. Napoleon made many wonderful promises to the animals—all animals would be equal; all animals would have an equal share. Life would be better on Animal Farm now that Napoleon was in charge. But, life didn’t turn out to be too good for the animals—except for Napoleon, of course, and the rest of the pigs and his dogs who served as his guards. Napoleon took care of himself and frequently changed the rules to benefit himself and his fellow pigs. I highly recommend the book because it is relevant to what we see happening with Black Lives Matter and the coverage of BLM by the media. Just listen to the racist remarks coming out of the mouths of BLM leaders. Listen to their promises of better justice when they will one day be in charge. But, does anybody know how their millions are being spent? Are not the ones at the top changing the rules for themselves even now?
Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other revolutionary groups on the streets have no intention of making life better for everyone. They all have their own Napoleon, who lives like a king and will dispense with anyone who appears to be a threat. Oh, yes, this cancel culture is very reminiscent of Stalin’s liquidation of anyone who disagreed with him—the Gulags were built to cancel millions, and millions more were executed. Others were sent to the Sharashkas, prisons for engineers & technicians working for the state.
If you love this country, don’t fall for the lies of BLM and other similar groups. Look how they treat innocent bystanders trying to eat a meal. Look at the gang mentality of how they pile on with their numbers forcing people to raise their hand in allegiance to their cause. They are telling us who they are by their words and actions. If they gain power, they will be like Stalin, whose word cannot be questioned, and the rules are made to benefit Napoleon and those he chooses as his ruling class.
Totalitarians always have a strawman—someone who is responsible for the chaos. For Hitler, it was the Jews; for Stalin, it was the wealthy, educated classes, and for BLM, it is you and me. Their arrows are pointed at us. Anyone who does not endorse and affirm everything about BLM is targeted and harassed, and even harmed. Search the world over, and you will not find a country with a better justice system, a country with less prejudice. They know that! This revolution is about Napoleon and his fellow henchman taking over the farm. Napoleon will always be changing the rules and lying to his followers, but it’s the animals that really get hurt, and it’s we, the common people who are losing our freedoms.
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