The pressure of our world’s social value system is hostile to Christ, and it is taking a toll on biblical morality and the family. Many people are willing slaves to the culture of the media. Our culture’s domination to make us think and act the way it wants us to live is incredibly powerful!
Once, in Corrientes, Argentina, thieves broke into our house while we slept and stole what they wanted. We never awoke. However, the following day, we all felt violated. That is what the world does to us today, invading our homes, families, and lives while we sleep. It takes what it wants from us and leaves its filth and corruption.
Socialism and communism were responsible for more than 100 million deaths under Stalin and Mao. With such stains of death and violence, how could this system have any attraction today? There are 5 fully communist countries today, China, North Korea, Laos, Cuba, and Vietnam. These nations suffer under brutal dictatorship, depriving their people of freedom and prosperity. Some of these people are starving to death. None of these nations can come close to the economic success of America. Yet, there is a powerful movement to make the United States and many parts of the world Marxist nations. This is beyond comprehension. There may be a lot of problems with capitalism and democracy, but they are far less than totalitarian states.
I ask myself how it is possible that pedophilia can be normalized by replacing the term pedophiles with “minor-attracted persons.” This is also being accomplished by dropping the age of adulthood in many countries. One of the most shocking things going on today is encouraging children to switch their gender by feeding them insidious lies that switching their gender is simple, easy, and wonderful. The switch involves very harmful hormones and genital mutilation that cannot be fully reversed. The degrading of women by enabling sexual assault by allowing men “identifying as women” to enter women’s bathrooms and locker rooms is deplorable. The sexualizing of our children by having them participate in drag queen hours at school libraries is beyond the pale. This very activity is against the law in most states.
There is also an attack against men. The culture wants to feminize boys and men and take away their masculinity. This is a sinister attack of confusion. The more significant problem is a vicious cycle whereby the state, by undermining the family, erodes the father’s place in the family. Men are at greater risk for substance abuse and suicide than ever before. All this and so much more is presented and even bombarded at us daily as normal and acceptable.