Monday, May 20, 2024

Three Characteristics of a Good Mother

When the Apostle Paul was in prison in Rome for the second time he wrote his last letter to Timothy. Paul never referred to himself as a prisoner of Rome but of Jesus Christ. He considered his imprisonment the will of God. His attitude reflects the highest maturity. Consequently, we have the second Epistle to Timothy. Paul was executed soon after this letter was written. His attitude was an inspiration to Timothy. He remembers from his damp prison cell, “Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy” (2 Tim 1:4).

Stay Tender Mothers

The Apostle is filled with emotion as he remembers Timothy’s tender heart. This tender heart, no doubt, came from his mother and grandmother, as did his faith. Young Timothy was an introvert and naturally shy, but he had a tender heart and sincere faith.

Stay True to Your Faith Mothers

Paul writes, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also” (2 Tim 1:5). His grandmother and mother were Jews who came to Christ. The possessed “sincere faith.”

Their faith was genuine, and such faith characterized Timothy as well. He had seen faith in them, and that is what brought him to Christ, and his life demonstrated the same authenticity. Timothy’s mother and grandmother had a proven faith. A sincere faith means that it had stood the test of time. It is not easy to come through the storms of life, but for this grandmother and mother—they were anchored to God. You can be sure there had been deaths to endure, problems to resolve, and unanswered questions, but their faith remained.

The effect of mothers and grandmothers is worth noting. A grandmother is in a position to influence her grandsons and granddaughters in unique ways. That influence can impact those grandchildren in ways that will affect them for the rest of their lives, even in ways we may never imagine. Long after we are gone the impact of our faith and legacy continues to inspire our children and grandchildren. My grandmother’s sincere belief had a powerful effect on my father’s life, and his faith greatly impacted my life. I pray my faith has that kind of impact on my family.

Stay Authentic Mothers

Paul writes, “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline” (2 Tim 1:6-7). The soil of Timothy’s life is watered by love and faith. Paul wants Timothy to use his gifts and rely on the Holy Spirit. God was using Paul to fan the flame in Timothy’s life—the flame that had been lit by his grandmother and mother. God will use our lives to fan the flames of our children and grandchildren.

When children are raised in a home where conflict is resolved, self-regulation of emotions is modeled, and they feel accepted and loved, they develop healthy self-esteem and learn healthy relationship patterns that will serve them later in life.

The impact of your life on that little child will remain as they grow up. If you remain true to your faith and don’t allow the hard knocks of life to take away your tenderness then you will fan into flames your child’s gifts. If you exhibit that authenticity that says, “I love Jesus, and I always will, your child will embrace your faith.

Earl Campbell, NFL pro. He went to the University of Texas. When he went to college he got smart and too busy for his old life. He called his mom and wanted to come for some home cooking and bring some buddies. She asked him if he was loving Jesus. He said not now momma. When you return to loving Jesus, you come home and bring those boys.




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