Saturday, June 22, 2024


Marilyn and I had the privilege of traveling to California to attend the 8th-grade graduation of our granddaughter, Caitlin, and the high school graduation of our grandson, Donovan. Both graduated with honors and were featured in additional ways. Caitlin played the National Anthem on her saxophone, and Donovan gave a speech at his graduation. Both did an excellent job. We are so proud of both of them and of their accomplishments. It was a special blessing for us to be able to attend both of these events. We also participated in a party for family and friends to celebrate these accomplishments.

We were also privileged to attend the graduation of our Missouri granddaughter, Eliana, who graduated from the eighth grade with honors. We attended her graduation before we left for California. We have a lot to be grateful for, including seven wonderful grandchildren. These grandchildren would not be who they are and where they are without the diligence and encouragement of their parents.

We also had the opportunity to visit our families in California, including Marilyn’s mother, who is 91 and still lives alone. We got to see some of Marilyn’s sisters and a brother. I was able to see my sister and brother-in-law. Of course, visiting our daughter and son-in-law was a special time.

We drove to California, crossing Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. The Lord protected us during our journey of many miles, and we are grateful for a safe trip. 

The success of a student in school, both academically and socially, is absolutely relative to the stability and encouragement of the parents. It is not easy to raise children in this world full of challenges; however, when parents are consistent, the rewards are great.

As you navigate the journey of raising your family, I urge you to stay the course. Every step you take in motivating and guiding your children is an investment that will yield dividends in the long run.

Over the years, we have worked hard with our family, but we are now receiving some gratifying dividends.



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