Multiculturalism is a term we hear a lot
today. In any academic field from high school to graduate school, it is a
required course. Multiculturalism has spread across the world like wildfire. Most
large companies require multicultural training. The idea behind this concept is
that we should respect and accept all cultures because it makes us better. That
sounds reasonable. Prejudice against any people is condemned in scripture
because God looks at all people in the same way.
However, multiculturalism goes further than
embracing the value of all human beings and denouncing racial prejudice. It
encompasses the idea that all religions are equally good. We should, therefore,
welcome all religions and give them an equal place in our belief system. Our
constitution indeed establishes freedom for a plurality of religions. However,
it is essential to know that multiculturalism judges anyone as bigoted and
intolerant that does not entirely accept this concept.
It is here that we must part ways with
multiculturalism when we are told that we cannot judge another religion. We
cannot say Christianity is the true religion, and that there are false
religions. To say that is to demonstrate societal prejudice. Multiculturalism
spawns reverse bigotry and hatred toward those it deems to be the perpetrators
of racism, thus “White Guilt.” The Biblical approach to solve the racial divide
of the world is summed up by Micah, “He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to
walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
The prophet Elijah confronted multiculturalism
when he challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. He called all Israel
and the prophets of Baal to a contest to decide who is the one true God. Elijah
laid out the rules—offer a sacrifice but put no fire to it and the God that
answers by fire will be proven to be the true God (1 Kings 18:20-29). This
story is about whether there is really a true and living God who reigns above
all other gods.
The account of the prophet Elijah on Mt Carmel
challenging King Ahab and the prophets of Baal is relevant because it was a
contest of religions. Ahab and his queen, Jezebel, welcomed other gods and
tried to silence the voice of the prophets of the God of the Bible. Have you noticed
how tolerant and inclusive societies welcome religions of all kinds? At the
same time, these same societies do their best to silence the voices of
Christians. There is a clear parallel to our time and the hostility we are seeing
toward the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We see tolerance toward Islam and other
religions while seeing hatred and intolerance toward Christianity. Bakers,
florists, photographers, printers, and all kinds of business people are being
sued and prosecuted by the state for their religious beliefs. In contrast,
people of the Islamic faith who hold similar beliefs are tolerated and even
celebrated. One might object that Christianity is rejected because of its
exclusive view of One God, but Islam has the same view.
Mount Carmel was the Lord’s demonstration of
the emptiness and futility of the Baal religion. Baal was not real because he
had no voice. That matters because the Lord is real. The persistent problem
with religion is that it replaces the reality of trusting God. All religions
might seem harmless, but they are not. Paul told the Colossians, “See to it
that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which
depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than
on Christ” (Col 2:8). Paul emphatically said that reality is found in Jesus
Christ. Religion is a set of beliefs, but Jesus is a living person that
transforms your life.
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