During the last month, we have witnessed the
blatant destruction of property and pointless deaths and injuries of bystanders
and police by rioters. Regrettably, this chaos started with the senseless and
cruel death of a black man at the hands of the police. The entire nation was
horrified, but that critical moment was soon lost as the protests were hijacked
by looters and thugs and quickly turned to riots.
In the ensuing days, the Black Lives Matter movement
gained power by quantum leaps. Their resentful and hate-filled rhetoric toward
whites and the nation produced a humiliating response from white leaders across
the country. We have seen whites kneeling and even lying prostrate and asking
forgiveness. These acts of contrived remorse are supposed to demonstrate that those
whites are sorry for the accumulated wrongs done to blacks. However, anyone
sharing a different opinion than that of the Black Lives Matter movement is immediately
condemned and marginalized as a racist.
I have stood against prejudice all my life,
whether racial or class; it makes no difference; it is all sinful. Is there
racial prejudice by police towards blacks? I think we can all be sure of that
because we have seen evidence of it. We have also seen evidence of prejudice
and hatred from blacks to whites and toward the police. We can all agree there
is racial injustice; what we cannot agree on is the solution. We can all agree
that there is privilege. It exists in every country and every culture. Stalin condemned
the educated because they were more privileged. Hitler condemned the Jews
because they were more prosperous. Condemning one whole race of people based on
their skin color or ethnicity or privilege is reprehensible. Can we not
remember the history that tells us this has been done over and over? One group denounces an entire race as the
cause of their pain and demands that they acknowledge the wrong. I mention just
a few: Rwanda genocide, the Armenian genocide, the Jewish genocide, Stalin and
the gulags, Mao Zedong and the Chinese, and how about the Native American and the
list goes on and on. It always begins by pointing out how one race or group is
at fault and needs to pay for their sins. There is almost always a cultural
cleansing of unacceptable books, statues, historical monuments and property. Justified
stealing from these people is encouraged. Remember, however, in all these attempts
to rid the countries of injustice, they failed to deliver the utopias they
I am amazed at how many businesses and
individuals feel compelled to bow down before the Black Lives Matter movement
and appease them, and it is Appeasement! There is this panic to prove to the bully
that “I am not a racist.”
The truth is Black Lives Matter is not about
race; it’s about taking over the power of this country. It’s about changing it
from the bottom up. That is clear in the choice of historical monuments being
destroyed. For example, several statues of Abraham Lincoln have been toppled while
the statue of Stephen Douglas is allowed to stand. Lincoln gave his life to end
slavery, and Douglas defended slavery. What we see in this country is
subversive, and we are on the brink of anarchy. We need God’s help to keep our
nation safe. However, it is time for people who love this country to take a
stand. I want to deal with all inequality in a meaningful way, but I condemn
demagoguery no matter who it is. Black Lives Matter is code for we want to
destroy the country and start over with a Socialistic/Communistic system. It’s time to take our country back from the hands
of anarchists.
Anyone who has lived abroad and experienced
world poverty and injustice knows that we may have problems here, but we are so
far ahead of most of the world. There is a reason people keep coming to this
country by the millions.
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